libname dmtm9 'd:\emdata\dmtm9';
/*---- TJW Modification: within DATA step ----*/
%macro FixJunk(TextVar=);
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'n_t ', " not ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'N_T ', " NOT ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,"n't ", " not ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,"N'T ", " NOT ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,';', "; ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,')', " ) ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'(', " ( ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,']', " ] ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'[', " [ ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'}', " } ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'{', " { ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'*', " * ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,',', ", ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,' w/', " with ");
*&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'/', " / ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'\', " \ ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'~', " ~ ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,''', " ' ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,"'s", " ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'_', " _ ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'&', " and ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'.', ". ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'<=', " less than or equal ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'>=', " greater than or equal ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'<', " less than ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'>', " greater than ");
&TextVar = tranwrd(&TextVar,'=', " equals ");
&TextVar = trim(left(compbl()));
%mend FixJunk;
data dmtm9.vaerext(keep=cage_yr sex symptom_text serious numdays pedflag sym_cnt
vax_1-vax_16 vax_cnt immun_cnt costring v_adminby v_fundby);
length coterm $ 25 costring $255;
array syms{20} $ 25 sym01-sym20;
array vaxs{8} $ vax1-vax8;
array nvax{16} vax_1-vax_16;
set dmtm9.vaerall;
/* Only include adverse events that occurred within 90 days of vaccination */
if numdays <= 90;
if cage_yr = . then cage_yr = 0;
if cage_mo = . then cage_mo = 0;
if vax_date ne .;
/* Serious events are ones that required an overnight hospital stay or caused */
/* disability, death, or a life-threatening event */
if l_threat='Y' or died='Y' or hospital='Y' or x_stay='Y' or disable='Y'
then serious='Y';
else serious='N';
/* Determine age of vaccine recipient -- year + month, mark all those under */
/* 9 as pediatric */
cage_yr = cage_yr+cage_mo;
if cage_yr <=9 then pedflag='Y'; else pedflag='N';
if died=' ' then died='N';
if er_visit = ' ' then er_visit='N';
if recovd = ' ' then recovd='U';
/* Since serious adverse events are rare (approx 8%) oversample serious events*/
if serious='N' and uniform(0) < .7 then delete;
/* Create flag variables for illnesses frequently innoculated against, also*/
/* count up number of immunizations given at one time to a patient as immun_cnt*/
label vax_1='Anthrax'
vax_4='Hepatitis A'
vax_5='Hepatitis B'
vax_6='HIB (Haemophilus)'
vax_7='Polio (IPV,OPV)'
vax_10='Pneumo (7-valent)'
vax_11='Pneumo (23-valent)'
do i=1 to 16;
do i=1 to min(vax_cnt,8);
select (vaxs{i});
when ('6VAX-F') do; vax_2=1; vax_5=1; vax_6=1; vax_7=1;
immun_cnt=immun_cnt+5; end;
when ('ANTH') do; vax_1=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('DPP') do; vax_2=1; vax_15=1; vax_7=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+4; end;
when ('DT','DTOX','TD','TTOX') do; vax_2=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+2; end;
when ('DTAP','DTP','TDAP') do;
vax_2=1; vax_15=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+3; end;
when ('DTAPH','DTPHIB') do;
vax_2=1; vax_15=1; vax_6=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+4; end;
when ('DTAPHE') do;
vax_2=1; vax_15=1; vax_5=1; vax_7=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+5; end;
when ('FLU','FLUN') do; vax_3=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('HBHEPB') do; vax_6=1; vax_5=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+2; end;
when ('HBPV','HBVC','HIBV') do; vax_6=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('HEP') do; vax_5=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('HEPA') do; vax_4=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('HEPAB') do; vax_4=1; vax_5=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+2; end;
when ('IPV','OPV') do; vax_7=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('MEA','MER','MM','MMR','MU','MUR','RUB') do;
vax_8=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+3; end;
when ('MMRV') do; vax_8=1; vax_16=1; end;
when ('MEN','MNC','MNQ') do; vax_9=1; end;
when ('PNC') do; vax_10=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('PPV') do; vax_11=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('RAB','RABA') do; vax_12=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('SMALL') do; vax_13=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('TYP') do; vax_14=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
when ('VARCEL') do; vax_16=1; immun_cnt=immun_cnt+1; end;
if immun_cnt > 0;
/* Create a field, costring, with all the constart terms concatenated */
/* together in one string */
costring = '';
do i=1 to min(sym_cnt,20);
coterm = syms{i};
costring=trim(costring) || ' ' || trim(coterm);
/* Fix punctuation issues */
proc freq;
tables pedflag immun_cnt vax_cnt v_adminby v_fundby sex serious vax_1-vax_16;