Use a Synonym Data Set

To use a synonym data set:
  1. Right-click the Text Miner node in your process flow diagram and select Copy. For this example, it is important to copy the node instead of creating a new Text Miner node because the settings you previously specified in the Text Miner node properties panel will be used. Right-click in the empty diagram workspace and select Paste.
  2. To distinguish this newly pasted Text Miner node from the first node, right-click it, and select Rename. Type Text Miner — Symptom Text in the Node Name box, and then click OK.
  3. Connect the Data Partition node to the Text Miner — Symptom Text node.
    Process flow diagram
  4. Select the Text Miner — Symptom Text node in the diagram workspace. In the Properties panel, click the Selector Button button for the Synonyms property. The Select a SAS Table dialog box opens.
  5. Select the Mylib library to view its contents. Select VAER_ABBREV, and then click OK.
  6. Leave all other settings the same as in the original Text Miner node.
  7. Right-click the Text Miner — Symptom Text node in the diagram workspace, and select Run. Click OK in the Confirmation dialog box. Click OK in the Run Status dialog box when the node has finished running.
  8. Click the Selector Button button for the Interactive property to open the Text Miner — Interactive window.
  9. Click the TERM column heading to sort the Terms table.
  10. Select abdomen under the TERM column in the Terms window. The term abdomen is one of the terms on the right side of the MYLIB.VAER_ABBREV table. In the Terms window, there should be a plus (+) sign next to abdomen. Click on the plus sign to expand the term. This shows all synonyms and stems that are mapped to that term. A stem is the root form of a term. Make sure that the child term abd is included. Both abdomen and abd will be treated the same.
    Terms window
  11. Close the Text Miner — Interactive window.