
Features of IMLPlus Programs

IMLPlus programs such as the one that created Figure 1.2 share certain features. They typically include the following steps:

  1. If the data are not already in a SAS data set in a library, put them there (Chapter 2).
  2. Call a SAS procedure (Chapter 4).
  3. Read in results produced by the procedure (Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7) and, optionally, use IML for additional analysis.
  4. Create graphs that use the results (Chapter 3, Chapter 5, Chapter 6).
  5. Customize attributes of the graphs (Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10).

The chapters of this book describe these steps in detail. Later chapters build on earlier chapters.

In each chapter, you write a short program that illustrates a few key ideas. You should type the program into the program window. You can create a new program window by selecting File \blacktriangleright\,New Workspace from the main Stat Studio menu. For your convenience, the program for each chapter is also distributed with Stat Studio.

The remainder of this chapter discusses concepts that are useful in IMLPlus programming but might not be familiar to the average SAS programmer.

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