Stored Process Report wizard in SAS Management Console
can be used to create new stored process reports, or you can use the
Stored Process Report Properties dialog box in SAS Management
Console to modify existing stored process reports. You can specify
and manage the following information for stored process reports:
specifies the metadata
location of the stored process report. The folders are defined in
metadata and do not correspond to any physical location. The folder
hierarchies that are used for stored process reports can also hold
other objects such as SAS reports, information maps, and administrative
metadata. You can create and modify folders using SAS Management Console.
specifies the stored
process report name, which acts as both a display label and as part
of the URI for the stored process report.
specifies an optional
text description of the stored process report.
specifies an optional
list of keywords to associate with the stored process report. Keywords
are arbitrary text strings that are typically used for searching or
to indicate specific capabilities.
specifies one or more
users who are responsible for the stored process report. This information
is optional.
specifies the stored
process that is to be used to run the stored process report.
enables you to provide
values for the prompts for the selected stored process.
Maximum retained generations
specifies the number
of generations of output to save for the stored process report. By
default, stored process reports keep only a single, current result
package. Multiple generations can be enabled, which allows old result
packages to be kept subject to the multiple generation policy. Multiple
generation policy is set by a generation count limit and a generation
age limit. For example, a stored process report can be set to keep
packages that are no more than one month old, but with a limit of
no more than six packages. Multiple generation support is optional
for stored process report clients. A client might choose to show only
the most recent generation or might allow the user to choose previous
generations of the result package. Each package has the following
attributes available to the client:
Generation (an integer from 1 to
n, incremented for each new package)
Timestamp (creation time)
Package URL User (user that generated
the package)
Execution time for the stored process
An API method is provided
to delete specific packages.
specifies how often
and when output generations expire for the stored process report.
New output is not automatically generated. This setting determines
when a result package expires. If a client accesses a stored process
report before it expires, then the cached stored process results are
displayed in the client. If a client accesses a stored process report
after it has expired, then the stored process is re-executed and a
new output generation is created for the stored process report. Sample
expiration policies might be:
Every Tuesday and
Thursday at 12:00
Last day of every
month at 00:00
Every April 15th
at 23:59
specifies access controls
for the stored process report.
You cannot specify
authorization information from the
New Stored Process
Report wizard. To specify authorization information,
you must open the
Stored Process Report Properties dialog box for an existing stored process report.