ODS Graphics Template Modification

Displaying Templates

Once you have found the name of a template, you can display its definition (source program) by using one of these methods:

  • Open the Templates window by issuing the command odstemplates (odst for short) in the command line of the SAS windowing environment. The template window is shown in FigureĀ 22.2. If you expand the Sashelp.Tmplstat node, you can view all the available templates and double-click any template icon to display its definition. This is illustrated in Example 22.1.

  • Use the SOURCE statement in PROC TEMPLATE to display a template definition in the SAS log or write the definition to a file.

Figure 22.2: Requesting the Templates Window in the Command Line

Requesting the Templates Window in the Command Line

For example, the following statements display the template for the PROC REG residual plot:

proc template;
   source Stat.REG.Graphics.ResidualPlot;

The template is displayed as follows:

define statgraph Stat.Reg.Graphics.ResidualPlot;
   notes "Residual Plot";
      _byline_ _bytitle_ _byfootnote_;
      entrytitle halign=left textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT _MODELLABEL halign=
         center textattrs=GRAPHTITLETEXT _TITLE " for " _DEPNAME;
      entrytitle textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT _LOESSLABEL;
      layout overlay / xaxisopts=(shortlabel=_SHORTXLABEL);
         referenceline y=0;
         scatterplot y=RESIDUAL x=_XVAR / primary=true rolename=(_tip1=
            OBSERVATION _id1=ID1 _id2=ID2 _id3=ID3 _id4=ID4 _id5=ID5) tip=(y
            x _tip1 _id1 _id2 _id3 _id4 _id5);
         if (EXISTS(_SMOOTH))
            loessplot y=_SMOOTH x=_XVAR / tiplabel=(y="Smoothed Residual");
      if (_BYTITLE_)
         entrytitle _BYLINE_ / textattrs=GRAPHVALUETEXT;
         if (_BYFOOTNOTE_)
            entryfootnote halign=left _BYLINE_;

PROC TEMPLATE also tells you where the template is located. In this case, it prints the following note:

NOTE: Path 'Stat.Reg.Graphics.ResidualPlot' is in: SASHELP.TMPLSTAT
      (via SASHELP.TMPLMST).

The word "Path" in ODS has several meanings. In this context, it refers to any name or label hierarchy. In the note, the levels of the template name form a path. In the trace output, the levels of the plot name form a different path.