ODS Graphics Template Modification

Saving Customized Templates

After you edit the template definition, you can submit your PROC TEMPLATE statements as you would any other SAS program. If you are using the Template Editor window, select Submit from the Run menu. See Example 22.1. Alternatively, submit your PROC TEMPLATE statements from the Program Editor. ODS automatically saves the compiled template in the first template store that it can update, according to the currently defined template search path. If you have not changed the template search path, then the modified template is saved in the Sasuser.Templat template store. You can display the current template search path with the following statement:

ods path show;

The log messages for the default template search path are as follows:

   Current ODS PATH list is:


If you want to store modified templates in another template store, you can use the ODS PATH statement to add that template store to the front of the list. To use these templates, you must make sure the template search path is set correctly before you attempt to access them in the other SAS sessions. See the section Using Customized Templates.