El Niño Southern Oscillation Data

The following steps display information about the data set Sashelp.ENSO and create Figure B.3:

title 'El Nino Southern Oscillation Data';
proc contents data=sashelp.enso varnum; 
   ods select position; 

title 'The First Five Observations Out of 168';
proc print data=sashelp.enso(obs=5); 

Figure B.3: El Niño Southern Oscillation Data

El Nino Southern Oscillation Data

Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len
1 Month Num 8
2 Year Num 8
3 Pressure Num 8

The First Five Observations Out of 168

Obs Month Year Pressure
1 1 0.08333 12.9
2 2 0.16667 11.3
3 3 0.25000 10.6
4 4 0.33333 11.2
5 5 0.41667 10.9