What’s Changed

What follows are changes in software behavior from SAS/STAT 9.22 to SAS/STAT 9.3. Several of these changes are related to ODS Graphics. A few procedures have adopted the MAXPOINTS= option as a way to avoid producing plots when the number of points exceeds a specified limit. The default limit is 5,000 points.

ANOVA Procedure

Box plots, which are created with the MEANS statement or for one-way ANOVA when ODS Graphics is enabled, are not produced when the number of outlier points exceeds the limit, which is controlled by the MAXPOINTS= option.

CLUSTER Procedure

The CLUSTER procedure now produces a dendrogram by default when ODS Graphics is enabled.

FREQ Procedure

Frequency plots and cumulative frequency plots are no longer produced by default when ODS Graphics is enabled. You can request these plots with the PLOTS=FREQPLOT and PLOTS=CUMFREQPLOT options in the TABLES statement.

GLM Procedure

The fit plot, box plot, interaction plot, ANCOVA plot, and contour fit plot are not produced when the number of points exceeds the limit, which is contolled by the MAXPOINTS= option. This limit also applies to diagnostic plots and residual plots.

LOGISTIC Procedure

Plots associated with the INFLUENCE or IPLOTS= options in the MODEL statement are not produced when the number of points exceeds the limit, which is controlled by the MAXPOINTS= option.

If the ODDSRATIO statement or CLODDS= option is specified, the default "Odds Ratio" table is no longer produced, and only the requested results are displayed.

MCMC Procedure

PROC MCMC no longer produces the tuning, burn-in, and sampling history tables by default. To produce this information, specify the MCHISTORY= option in the PROC MCMC statement.

The scaled inverse chi-square distribution is parameterized in terms of scale, as opposed to scale in the previous release.

MIXED Procedure

Plots associated with the INFLUENCE, RESIDUAL, and VCIRY options are not produced when the number of points exceeds the limit, which is controlled by the MAXPOINTS= option.

QUANTREG Procedure

The fit plot is not produced when the number of points exceeds the limit, which is controlled by the MAXPOINTS= option.

The rank score test has changed.


The weighted frequency plot is no longer produced by default when ODS Graphics is enabled. You can request this display with the PLOTS=WTFREQPLOT option in the TABLES statement.

VARCLUS Procedure

The VARCLUS procedure now produces a dendrogram by default when ODS Graphics is enabled.