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What’s New in SAS/STAT 9.22

GENMOD Procedure

The EFFECTPLOT statement produces a display of the fitted model. The LSMESTIMATE and the SLICE statements provide additional postprocessing inferences. The STORE statement enables you to save the context and results of the statistical analysis for further processing with the PLM procedure. The LSMEANS statement has been updated to include options such as the AT, ADJUST=, STEPDOWN, and PLOTS= options.

The zero-inflated negative binomial model is now available through the ZEROMODEL statement.

New sampling methods are available with the Bayesian analysis offered in PROC GENMOD. For the normal distribution with a conjugate prior, the closed form for the posterior distribution is now used by default. The ARMS algorithm is otherwise the default, but you can now specify the Gamerman algorithm or the independent Metropolis algorithm with the SAMPLING= option in the BAYES statement.

You can now perform exact Poisson regression and exact logistic regression by using the EXACT statement in PROC GENMOD.

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