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The TRANSREG Procedure

Syntax: TRANSREG Procedure

The following statements are available in PROC TRANSREG:

<OUTTEST=SAS-data-set> <a-options> <o-options> ;
MODEL <transform(dependents </ t-options>)>
<transform(dependents </ t-options>) ...=>
transform(independents </ t-options>)
<transform(independents </ t-options>) ...> </ a-options> ;
OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set> <o-options> ;
ID variables ;
FREQ variable ;
WEIGHT variable ;
BY variables ;

To use PROC TRANSREG, you need both the PROC TRANSREG and MODEL statements. To produce an OUT= output data set, the OUTPUT statement is required. PROC TRANSREG enables you to specify the same options in more than one statement. All of the MODEL statement a-options (algorithm options) and all of the OUTPUT statement o-options (output options) can also be specified in the PROC TRANSREG statement. You can abbreviate all a-options, o-options, and t-options (transformation options) to their first three letters. This is a special feature of PROC TRANSREG and is not generally true of other SAS/STAT procedures. See Table 91.1 for a list of options available in the PROC TRANSREG statement.

The PROC TRANSREG statement starts the TRANSREG procedure. Optionally, this statement identifies an input and an OUTTEST= data set, specifies the algorithm and other computational details, requests displayed output, and controls the contents of the OUT= data set (which is created with the OUTPUT statement). The DATA= and OUTTEST= options can appear only in the PROC TRANSREG statement. All a-options and o-options are described in the sections on either the MODEL or OUTPUT statement, in which these options can also be specified.

The rest of this section provides detailed syntax information for each of the preceding statements, beginning with the PROC TRANSREG statement. The remaining statements are described in alphabetical order.

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