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Statistical Graphics Using ODS

Using Customized Templates

When you create ODS output (either graphs or tables), ODS searches sequentially through each template store in the template search path for a template that matches the one requested. If you have not changed the default template search path, then ODS searches the SASUSER.Templat store first, then SASHELP.Tmplmst. ODS uses the first template that it finds with the requested name. Note:Templates with the same name can exist in more than one template store.

The ODS PATH statement specifies the template stores to search, as well as the order in which to search them. You can change the default template search path by using the ODS PATH statement. For example, the following statement sets the template search path so that the template store WORK.Mystore is searched first, followed by SASHELP.Tmplmst:

ods path work.mystore(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);

The UPDATE option provides update access as well as read access to WORK.Mystore. The READ option provides read-only access to SASHELP.Tmplmst. With this path, the template store SASUSER.Templat is no longer searched. You can verify this with the following statement:

ods path show;

The log messages generated by the preceding statement are as follows:

   Current ODS PATH list is:


For more information, see the SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide and the SAS/GRAPH: Graph Template Language User's Guide. Example 21.5 illustrates all the steps of displaying, editing, saving, and using customized templates.

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