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Domain Analysis

If you use a DOMAIN statement, the procedure displays statistics in each domain in a "Domain Analysis" table. A "Domain Analysis" table contains all the columns in the "Statistics" table, plus columns of domain variable values.

Note that depending on how you define the domains with domain variables, the procedure might produce more than one "Domain Analysis" table. For example, in the DOMAIN statement

   domain A B*C*D A*C C;

you use four definitions to define domains:

  • A: all the levels of A

  • C: all the levels of C

  • A*C: all the interactive levels of A and C

  • B*C*D: all the interactive levels of B, C, and D

The procedure displays four "Domain Analysis" tables, one for each domain definition. If you use an ODS OUTPUT statement to create an output data set for domain analysis, the output data set contains a variable Domain whose values are these domain definitions.

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