Statistical Graphics Using ODS |
Adding Data Set Information to a Graph
You might, for example, want to add text to a set of graphs that indicates the most recently created data set. The following example shows you how you can do this with the syslast macro variable:
%let data = &syslast;
. . .
mvar data;
entrytitle halign=left textattrs=GraphValueText "Data: " data
halign=center textattrs=GraphTitleText "Fit Diagnostics"
" for " _DEPNAME;
. . .
Of course, this only makes sense when you are analyzing the last data set created. Alternatively, you can incorporate the name of the data set in the title, as in the following example:
%let data = &syslast;
. . .
mvar data;
entrytitle halign=center textattrs=GraphTitleText
"Fit Diagnostics for Data Set " data;
. . .