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The GLMMOD Procedure

PROC GLMMOD <options> ;

The PROC GLMMOD statement invokes the GLMMOD procedure. It has the following options:


specifies the SAS data set to be used by the GLMMOD procedure. If you do not specify the DATA= option, the most recently created SAS data set is used.


specifies the maximum length for an effect name. Effect names are listed in the table of parameter definitions and stored in the EFFNAME variable in the OUTPARM= data set. By default, You can specify if 20 characters are not enough to distinguish between effects, which might be the case if the model includes a high-order interaction between variables with relatively long, similar names.


suppresses the normal display of results. This option is generally useful only when one or more output data sets are being produced by the GLMMOD procedure. Note that this option temporarily disables the Output Delivery System (ODS); see Chapter 20, Using the Output Delivery System, for more information.


specifies the order in which you want the levels of the classification variables (specified in the CLASS statement) to be sorted. This ordering determines which parameters in the model correspond to each level in the data. Note that the ORDER= option applies to the levels for all classification variables. The exception is the default ORDER=FORMATTED for numeric variables for which you have supplied no explicit format. In this case, the levels are ordered by their internal (numeric) value. Note that this represents a change from previous releases for how class levels are ordered. Before SAS 8, numeric class levels with no explicit format were ordered by their BEST12. formatted values, and to revert to the previous ordering you can specify this format explicitly for the affected classification variables. The change was implemented because the former default behavior for ORDER=FORMATTED often resulted in levels not being ordered numerically and usually required the user to intervene with an explicit format or ORDER=INTERNAL to get the more natural ordering.

The ORDER= option can take the following values.

Value of ORDER=

Levels Sorted By


order of appearance in the input data set


external formatted value, except for numeric variables with no explicit format, which are sorted by their unformatted (internal) value


descending frequency count; levels with the most observations come first in the order


unformatted value

If you omit the ORDER= option, PROC GLMMOD orders by the external formatted value.


names an output data set to contain the information regarding the association between model effects and design matrix columns.


names an output data set to contain the columns of the design matrix.


specifies a prefix to use in naming the columns of the design matrix in the OUTDESIGN= data set. The default prefix is Col and the column name is formed by appending the column number to the prefix, so that by default the columns are named Col1, Col2, and so on. If you specify the ZEROBASED option, the column numbering starts at zero, so that with the default value of PREFIX= the columns of the design matrix in the OUTDESIGN= data set are named Col0, Col1, and so on.


specifies that the numbering for the columns of the design matrix in the OUTDESIGN= data set begin at 0. By default it begins at 1, so that with the default value of PREFIX= the columns of the design matrix in the OUTDESIGN= data set are named Col1, Col2, and so on. If you use the ZEROBASED option, the column names are instead Col0, Col1, and so on.

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