Alongside-HDFS Execution

Running high-performance analytical procedures alongside HDFS shares many features with running alongside the database. You can execute high-performance analytical procedures alongside HDFS by using either the SASHDAT engine or the Hadoop engine.

You use the SASHDAT engine to read and write data that are stored in HDFS in a proprietary SASHDAT format. In SASHDAT format, metadata that describe the data in the Hadoop files are included with the data. This enables you to access files in SASHDAT format without supplying any additional metadata. Additionally, you can also use the SASHDAT engine to read data in CSV (comma-separated value) format, but you need supply metadata that describe the contents of the CSV data. The SASHDAT engine provides highly optimized access to data in HDFS that are stored in SASHDAT format.

The Hadoop engine reads data that are stored in various formats from HDFS and writes data to HDFS in CSV format. This engine can use metadata that are stored in Hive, which is a data warehouse that supplies metadata about data that are stored in Hadoop files. In addition, this engine can use metadata that you create by using the HDMD procedure.

The following subsections provide details about using the SASHDAT and Hadoop engines to execute high-performance analytical procedures alongside HDFS.