Specifies how PROC SQL handles updated data if errors occur while you are updating data. You can use UNDO_POLICY= to control whether your changes are permanent.

Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, Options statement
Categories: Files: SAS Files
System administration: SQL
Note: This option can be restricted by a site administrator. For more information, see “Restricted Options” in Chapter 1 of SAS System Options: Reference.



Syntax Description


keeps any updates or inserts.


reverses any updates or inserts that it can reverse reliably.


reverses all inserts or updates that have been done to the point of the error. This is the default.

Some UNDO operations cannot be done reliably.
In some cases, the UNDO operation cannot be done reliably. When a change cannot be reversed, PROC SQL issues an error message and does not execute the statement. For example, when a program uses a SAS/ACCESS view, or when a SAS data set is accessed through a SAS/SHARE server and is opened with the data set option CNTLLEV=RECORD, you cannot reliably reverse your changes.
Some UNDO operations might not reverse changes.
When multiple transactions are made to the same record, PROC SQL might not reverse a change. PROC SQL issues an error message instead. For example, if an error occurs during an insert, PROC SQL can delete a record that another user updated. In that case, the UNDO operation does not reverse the change, and an error message is issued.


The value that is specified in the SQLUNDOPOLICY= system option is in effect for all SQL procedure statements, unless the PROC SQL UNDO_POLICY= option is set. The value of the UNDO_POLICY= option takes precedence over the SQLUNDOPOLICY= system option. The RESET statement can also be used to set or reset the UNDO_POLICY= option. However, changing the value of the UNDO_POLICY= option does not change the value of the SQLUNDOPOLICY= system option. After the procedure completes, it reverts to the value of the SQLUNDOPOLICY= system option.
If you are updating a data set using the SAS Scalable Performance Data Engine, you can significantly improve processing performance by setting SQLUNDOPOLICY=NONE. However, ensure that NONE is an appropriate setting for your application.

See Also

Procedure Statement