Comparing Tables


You have two copies of a table. One of the copies has been updated. You want to see which rows have been changed.

Background Information

There are two tables, the OLDSTAFF table and NEWSTAFF table. The NEWSTAFF table is a copy of OLDSTAFF. Changes have been made to NEWSTAFF. You want to find out what changes have been made.
Sample Input Tables for Table Comparison
Old Staff Table, New Staff Table


To display only the rows that have changed in the new version of the table, use the EXCEPT set operator between two SELECT statements.
proc sql;
   title 'Updated Rows';
   select * from newstaff 
   select * from oldstaff;
Rows That Have Changed
Updated Rows

How It Works

The EXCEPT operator returns rows from the first query that are not part of the second query. In this example, the EXCEPT operator displays only the rows that have been added or changed in the NEWSTAFF table.
Note: Any rows that were deleted from OLDSTAFF will not appear.