SQL and WHERE-Processing Functions Supported by SPD Server

SPD Server does not support all of the SQL functions that SAS supports. The following two tables provide a listing of the functions that SPD Server SQL and SPD Server WHERE-processing SQL support.

SQL Functions Supported by SPD Server

SPD Server SQL supports the following SQL functions:
abs depsyd length repeat
addr deptab lgamma reverse
arcos dequote log right
arcsin dhms log10 round
atan digamma log2 saving
band dmax lowcase second
betainv dmean max sign
blshift dmin mdy signum
bnot drange mean sin
bor dstd min sinh
brshift dstderr minute skewness
bxor dsum mod sqrt
byte duss month std
ceil dvar mort stderr
cinv erf n stfips
collate erfc netpv stname
compbl exp nmiss stnamel
compound finv npv substr
compress fipname ordinal sum
cos fipnamel poisson tan
cosh fipstate probbeta tanh
css floor probbnml time
cv fnonmiss probchi timepart
daccdb fuzz probf tinv
daccdbsl gaminv probgam today
daccsl gamma probhypr tranwrd
daccsyd hms probit trigamma
dacctab hour probnegb trim
date int probnorm upcase
datejul intck probt uss
datepart intnx put var
datetime intrr qtr weekday
day irr, quote year
dcss ispexec range zipfips
depdb isplink ranuni zipname
depdbsl kurtosis rank zipnamel
depsl left recip zipstate

SQL WHERE-Processing Functions Supported by SPD Server

SPD Server SQL supports the following SQL WHERE-processing functions:
anyalnum dur klength perm
anyalpha durp kreverse pmt
anycntrl effrate kright ppmt
anydigit fact kscan proprobdfbbnrm
anyfirst find ksubstr probmc
anygraph findc ktranslate probmed
anylower findw ktrim prxmatch
anyname floorz kverify pvp
anyprint garkhclprc largest ranbin
anypunct garkhptprc lcm rancau
anyspace gcd lengthc rand
anyupper geodist lengthm ranexp
anyxdigit geomean lengthn rangam
arcosh geomeanz log1px rannor
arsinh gmtoff logbeta ranpoi
artanh harmean mad rantbl
atabetan2 harmeanz margrclprc rantri
blackclprc holiday margrptprc rms
blackptprc in median rounde
blkshclprc index missing roundz
blkshptprc indexc modz scan
ceilz indext nomrate scanq
choosec indexw notalnum sec
choosen inputc notalpha sleep
coalesce inputn notcntrl smallest
coalescec intcindex notdigit streaminit
comb intcycle notfirst strip
compare intfit notgraph substrn
compfuzz intfmt notlower sumabs
constant intget notname timevalue
convx intindex notprint translate
convxp intseas notpunct transtrn
cot intshift notspace trimn
count inttest notupper trunc
countc intz notxdigit uniform
countq ipmt nwkdom uuidgen
countw iqr ordinal2 verify
csc juldate pctl week
cumipmt juldate7 pctl1 whichc
cumprinc kcompress pctl2 whichn
datdif kindex pctl3 yieldp
deviance kindexc pctl4 yrdif
divide kleft pctl5 yyq
Ranuni functions can show slight variation from run to run due to the impact of parallel processing.
Note that date, int, left, right, length, and trim are reserved keywords. Therefore, they must be preceded by a backslash in SPD Server SQL queries:
select \date() from t ;