The SPD Server Join
Planner is a rules-based planner. The join planner searches for a
pairwise equijoin match in a particular order. The first plan that
the join planner finds that meets requirements is selected. If the
join is an
n-way join, each
pairwise join of the
join is planned until all of the joins are exhausted.
Each pairwise join follows
the same selection order to determine which join plan is selected.
The order of the join planner for a pairwise equijoin is as follows:
SPD Server searches
for an acceptable star schema optimization.
SPD Server searches
for an index join.
SPD Server searches
for a hash join.
SPD Server searches
for a merge join, with preferences given to parallel merge joins.
SPD Server searches
for a sequential loop join.
There are several SPD
Server SQL reset switches that affect the join planner:
The SPD Server star schema optimization
reset switch NOSTARJOIN disables star joins.
The index join reset switch INDEX_SELECTIVITY
can change the relative usefulness of the index for the join type.
High index selectivity settings can affect whether the join planner
chooses the index join.
The hash join reset switch MAXHASHJOINS
can increase or decrease the number of hash joins that can be planned
for a single query. The hash join BUFFERSIZE reset switch can increase
or decrease the amount of memory that is allocated for hash joins.
The merge join reset switch NOPLLJOIN
disables parallel merge joins.
You can favor a join
plan by using the JOINTECH_PREF reset switch. Favoring a join plan
does not guarantee that the favored join plan will be used, however.
For example, if you favor a hash join, SPD Server still requires
sufficient BUFFERSIZE memory allocation to plan the hash join.
You can use the DETAILS=
"what_join$why_join$" reset switch to print additional information
in the SAS log to determine what join method the SPD Join planner
selected, and why it was selected. The why_join information includes
how the reset switches affected the join planner.