alter table statement ::= ALTER TABLE table spec { { ADD|MODIFY|ALTER [ COLUMN ] column def list } | { DROP [ COLUMN ] column name list } }+ ';'
async operation statements ::= { BEGIN | END } ASYNC OPERATION ';'
connect statement ::= CONNECT TO libref name [ [ AS ] alias name ] '(' dbms options ')' ] ';'
copy table statement ::= COPY TABLE table spec FROM table spec [ WITHOUT INDEXES ] [ORDER BY column name [ ASC | DESC ] [',' column name [ ASC | DESC ]]] ';'
create index statement ::= CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX index name ON table spec '(' column name list ')' ';'
create materialized view statement ::= CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW table spec AS select spec ';'
create table statement ::= CREATE TABLE table spec { '(' column def list ')' | AS select spec | LIKE table spec } ';'
create view statement ::= CREATE VIEW table spec AS select spec ';'
delete statement ::= DELETE FROM table spec [ where clause ] ';'
describe table statement ::= DESCRIBE TABLE table spec [ [','] table spec ]* ';'
describe view statement ::= DESCRIBE VIEW table spec [ [','] table spec ]* ';'
disconnect statement ::= DISCONNECT FROM libref name ';'
drop index statement ::= DROP INDEX index name [ [','] index name ]* FROM table spec ';'
drop table statement ::= DROP TABLE table spec [ [','] table spec ]* ';'
drop view statement ::= DROP VIEW table spec [ [','] table spec ]* ';'
execute statement ::= EXECUTE '(' passthru spec ')' BY libref name ';'
insert statement ::= INSERT INTO table spec [ '(' column name list ')' ] insert source ';'
LIBREF statement ::= LIBREF libref name [ ENGNAME '=' identifier ] [ ENGOPT '=' string ] ';'
load table statement ::= LOAD TABLE table spec [ WITH with index spec [ ',' with index spec ]* ] AS select spec ';'
set option statement ::= { SET OPTION | RESET } { identifier [ '=' { constant | identifier | truth value | DEFAULT } ] }+
select statement::= select spec ';'
truncate teble statement::= TRUNCATE TABLE table spec [ [','] table spec ]* ';'
update statement ::= UPDATE table spec SET column name '=' scalar expr [ ',' column name '=' scalar expr ]* [ where clause ] ';'
validate statement ::= VALIDATE select spec ';'