Loading Data into an SPD Server Host

SPD Server's emphasis on complete LIBNAME compatibility means that when you access SPD Server, the standard procedures used to create tables in SAS apply to SPD Server tables as well.
Using SAS, you can load data into SPD Server tables using DATA step programs, PROC COPY or PROC APPEND, and SCL applications. You can also use SQL pass-through to load SPD Server tables. The SPD Server SQL extensions for the LOAD TABLE and COPY TABLE statements provide further support.
Use LOAD TABLE to load a table from the projected columns of an SQL SELECT statement and create indexes, all in a single pass. LOAD TABLE exploits multi-thread table I/O and index creation. The multi-thread table I/O and index creation overlaps with the SELECT statement that extracts the data from its source tables.
Use COPY TABLE to copy an existing SPD Server table to a new table and include indexes as part of the copy operation. It offers the same parallel table and index I/O and overlapped input as the LOAD TABLE command.
The COPY TABLE and LOAD TABLE statements work only for source and target tables on the local machine.