SPD Server STARJOIN Facility

Overview of the SPD Server STARJOIN Facility

The SPD Server SQL Planner includes the STARJOIN facility. The SPD Server STARJOIN facility validates, optimizes, and executes SQL queries on data that is configured in a star schema. Star schemas consist of two or more normalized dimension tables that surround a centralized fact table. The centralized fact table contains data elements of interest, which are derived from the dimension tables.
In data warehouses with large numbers of tables and millions or billions of rows of data, a properly constructed STARJOIN can minimize overhead data redundancy during query evaluation. If the SPD Server STARJOIN facility is not enabled or if SPD Server SQL does not detect a star schema, then the SQL is processed using pairwise joins.
How does a star join differ from a pairwise join? In SPD Server, a properly configured star join requires only three steps to complete, regardless of the number of dimension tables. SPD Server pairwise joins require one step for each table to complete the join. If a star schema consists of 25 dimension tables and one fact table, the star join is accomplished in three steps; joining the tables in the star schema using pairwise joins requires 26 steps.
When data is configured in a valid SPD Server star schema, and the STARJOIN facility is not disabled, the SPD Server STARJOIN facility can produce quicker and more processor-efficient SQL query performance than SQL pairwise joins do.

Star Schemas

Overview of Star Schemas

To exploit the SPD Server STARJOIN facility, the data must be configured as a star schema, and it must meet specific SPD Server SQL star schema requirements.
Star schemas are the simplest data warehouse schema. They consist of a central fact table that is surrounded by multiple normalized dimension tables. Fact tables contain the measures of interest. Dimension tables provide detailed information about the attributes within each dimension. The columns that are in the fact tables are either foreign key columns that define the links between the fact table and individual dimension tables, or they are columns that calculate numeric values that are based on foreign key data.
The following figure is an example star schema. The dimension tables Products, Supplier, Location, and Time surround the fact table Sales.
Example Star Schema
Diagram of a star schema with one fact table Sales and four dimension tables Products, Location, Time, Supplier

Example Dimension Tables Information

In the preceding figure, the Products table contains information about products, with one row per unique product SKU. The row for each unique SKU contains information such as product name, height, width, depth, weight, pallet cube, and so on. The Products table contains 1,500 rows.
The Supplier table contains information about the suppliers that supply the products. The row for each unique supplier contains information such as supplier name, address, state, contact representative, and so on. The Supplier table contains 25 rows.
The Location table contains information about the stores that sell the products. The row for each unique location contains information such as store number, store name, store address, store manager, store sales volume, and so on. The Location table contains 500 rows.
The Time table is a sequential sales transaction table. Each row in the Time table represents one day out of a rolling 3-year, 365-day-per-year calendar. The row for each day contains information such as the date, day of week, month, quarter, year, and so on. The table contains 1,095 rows.

Fact Table Information

The fact table Sales is a table that combines information from the four dimension tables (Products, Supplier, Location, and Time). Its foreign keys are imported, one from each dimension table: PRODUCT_CODE from Products, STORE_NUMBER from Location, SUPPLIER_ID from Supplier, and SALES_DATE from Time. The fact table Sales might have other columns that contain facts or information that is not found in any dimension table. Examples of fact table columns that are not foreign keys from a dimension table are columns such as QTY_SOLD or NET_SALES. The fact table in this example can contain as many as 1,500 x 25 x 500 x 1,095 = 20,531,250,000 rows.

SPD Server STARJOIN Requirements

For SPD Server SQL to take advantage of the STARJOIN Planner, the following conditions must be true:
  • STARJOIN optimization are enabled in SPD Server.
  • The SPD Server star schema use a single, central fact table.
  • All dimension tables in the SPD Server star schema are connected to the fact table.
  • The SPD Server dimension tables appear in only one join condition.
  • The SPD Server fact tables are equally joined to dimension tables.
  • Dimension tables that do not use subsetting have a simple index on the dimension table's join column.
When you submit SPD Server SQL that does not meet these STARJOIN conditions, SPD Server performs the requested SQL task using SPD Server's pairwise join strategy. For examples that of valid, invalid, and restricted candidates for the SPD Server STARJOIN facility, see SPD Server STARJOIN Examples.

Invoking the SPD Server STARJOIN Facility

SPD Server knows when to use the STARJOIN facility because of the topology of the data and the query. SPD Server invokes STARJOIN based on the SQL that you submit. When you submit SQL and STARJOIN optimization is enabled, SPD Server checks the SQL for admissible STARJOIN patterns. SPD Server SQL identifies a fact table by scanning for a common equally joined table among multiple join predicates in a WHERE clause. When SPD Server SQL detects patterns that have multiple equally joined operators that share a common table, the common table becomes the star schema's fact table.
When you submit an SQL statement to SPD Server that uses structures that indicate the presence of a star schema, the STARJOIN validation checks begin.

Indexing Strategies to Optimize STARJOIN Query Performance

Overview of Indexing Strategies

When you have determined the baseline criteria for creating an SQL STARJOIN in SPD Server, you can configure the indexes to influence which strategy the SPD Server STARJOIN facility chooses.
With the IN-SET strategy, the SPD Server STARJOIN facility can use multiple simple indexes on the fact table. The IN-SET strategy is the simplest to configure, and usually provides the best performance. To configure your indexes so that the STARJOIN facility chooses the IN-SET strategy, create a simple index on each SQL column in the fact table and dimension table that you want to use in a join relation. A simple index prevents STARJOIN Phase I from rejecting a Phase I dimension table so that it becomes a non-optimized Phase II table. Simple indexes also facilitate the Phase II fact-table-to-dimension-table join lookup.

Indexing to Optimize the IN-SET Join Strategy

Consider the following SQL code for a star schema with one fact table and two dimension tables:
select F.FID, D1.DKEY, D2.DKEY
from fact F, DIM1 D1, DIM2 D2
where D1.DKEY EQ F.D1KEY
and D1.REGION EQ 'Midwest'
The SPD Server IN-SET join strategy is the preferred strategy for almost every star join. If you want the example code to trigger the IN-SET STARJOIN strategy, create simple indexes on the join columns for the star schema's fact table and dimension tables:
  • On fact table F, create simple indexes on columns F.D1KEY and F.D2KEY.
  • On dimension tables D1 and D2, create simple indexes on columns D1.DKEY and D2.DKEY.
Other fact table and dimension table indexes might exist that could filter WHERE clauses, but the simple indexes are the indexes that will enable the STARJOIN IN-SET join strategy.

Indexing to Optimize the COMPOSITE Join Strategy

For the COMPOSITE join strategy, the dimension tables with WHERE clause subsetting are collected from the set of equally joined predicates. You need a composite index for the fact table columns that correspond to the subsetted dimension table columns. The composite index on the fact table is necessary to facilitate the dimension tables' Cartesian product probes on the fact table rows. The STARJOIN optimizer code looks for the best composite index, based on the best and simplest left-to-right match of the columns in the COMPOSITE join.
If the subsetting in a star join is limited to a single dimension table, then you can enable the COMPOSITE join strategy by creating a simple index on the join column of the single dimension table.
For the example code in Indexing to Optimize the IN-SET Join Strategy to trigger the COMPOSITE STARJOIN strategy, create a composite index named COMP1 on the fact table for each of the dimension table keys: F.COMP1=(D1KEY D2KEY).
Other fact table and dimension table indexes might exist that could filter WHERE clauses, but you need the COMPOSITE index named COMP1 in order to enable the STARJOIN COMPOSITE join strategy.
Although the COMPOSITE join strategy might appear to be a simpler configuration, the strongest utility of the COMPOSITE join strategy is limited to join relations between the fact table and dimension tables. As the number of dimension tables and join relations increases, the resulting increase in size can become unmanageable. The performance of the IN-SET strategy is robust enough that you should consider using the COMPOSITE join strategy only if you have good evidence that it compares favorably with the IN-SET strategy.

Example: Indexing Using the IN-SET Join Strategy

The example star schema in Example Star Schema has four dimension tables (Supplier, Products, Location, and Time) and one fact table (Sales). The schema has simple indexes on the SUPPLIER_ID, PRODUCT_CODE, STORE_NUMBER, and SALES_DATE columns in the Sales fact table.
Consider the following SQL query to create a January sales report for an organization's stores that are in North Carolina:
 sum(s.sales_amt) as sales_amt
 sum(s.units_sold) as units_sold

 spdslib.sales s,
 spdslib.supplier sup,
 spdslib.products p,
 spdslib.location l,
 spdslib.time t

 s.store_number = l.store_number
and s.sales_date = t.sales_date
and s.product_code = p.product_code
and s.supplier_id = sup.supplier_id
and l.state = 'NC'
and t.sales_date
 between '01JAN2005'd and '31JAN2005'd;

During optimization, the STARJOIN Planner examines the WHERE clause subsetting in the query to determine which dimension tables are processed first.
The WHERE clause subsetting of the STATE column of the Location dimension table (where ... l.state = 'NC') and the subsetting of the SALES_DATE column of the Time dimension table (where ... t.sales_date between '01JAN2005'd and '31JAN2005'd) cause SPD Server to process the Location and Time tables first. The remaining dimension tables, Supplier and Products, are processed second.
The SPD Server STARJOIN facility uses the first dimension tables to reduce the rows in the fact table to candidate rows that contain the matching criteria. The facility uses the values in each dimension table key to create a list of values that meet the subsetting criteria of the fact table.
For example, the previous SQL query is intended to create a January sales report for stores located in North Carolina. The WHERE clause in the SQL code joins the Location and Sales tables on the STORE_NUMBER column. Suppose that there are 10 unique North Carolina stores, with consecutively ordered STORE_NUMBER values that range from 101 to 110. When the WHERE clause is evaluated, the results will include a list of the 10 North Carolina store IDs that existed in January 2005.
Because the fact table and dimension tables for the STORE_NUMBER column have simple indexes, the STARJOIN facility chooses the IN-SET strategy. The facility subsets the STATE column values to 'NC' in order to build the set of store numbers that are associated with North Carolina locations. The STARJOIN facility can use the set of North Carolina store numbers to generate an SQLwhere ... in expression. SQL uses the where ... in expression to efficiently subset the candidate rows in the fact table before the final SQL expression is evaluated.