What's New in SPD Server 4.52?

SPD Server 4.52 has a new server parameter named MAXSORTTHREADS=. Use MAXSORTTHREADS= to provide more control over the number of concurrent threads that are used during an SPD Server parallel sort. For more information, see MAXSORTTHREADS= in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: Administrator's Guide.
The NOMISS= index support parameter is no longer recognized in SPD Server 4.52. If you submit the NOMISS= parameter to SPD Server 4.52, the parameter declaration is ignored.
The SPD Server parameter file is enhanced to include performance-level parameters that you can specify for different classes of users. You can associate each class of user with a specific set of SPD Server parameter settings to regulate SPD Server resources for each class. A user's resource class is defined by the performance class attribute that is specified in the user's SPD Server Password Manager database record. The configurable user resource class attribute levels are LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and LOCKING. For more information about how to assign SPD Server users to configurable user resource classes, see Server Performance Levels in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: Administrator's Guide.
The spdsclean utility now removes temporary directories and files that were created using the TEMP=YES LIBNAME parameter. In the past, orphaned directories and files were not removed if the SPDSBASE process terminated abnormally or was killed. The spdsclean utility checks for temporary directories in LIBNAME domains during the standard -LIBNAMEFILE cleanup. The orphan directory check and cleanup function is integrated into the spdsclean utility. You do not need to specify an argument for spdsclean to remove orphaned TEMP=YES LIBNAME directories and files. For more information, see SPD Server Directory Cleanup Utility in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: Administrator's Guide.
The 2 GB size limit on SPD Server files on Windows Win32 platforms has been removed. Win32 platforms can now create and access files (.dpf partitions, index files, and sort bins) that are greater than 2 GB in size. SPD Server on Win32 platforms now supports files up to (263–1) bytes in size, the same file size that is supported by SPD Server on 64-bit UNIX platforms.
SPD Server 4.52 for Windows supports the Windows 2008 R1 operating system running in 32-bit compatibility mode.
Automatic maintenance and cleanup of SPD Server directory .spdslibll files have been implemented. The .spdslibll directory files are cleaned up when SPD Server starts and reads the libnames.parm file, and whenever SPD Server refreshes the libnames.parm file. In this way, the path information that is contained in .spdslibll files remains current. SPD Server creates a .spdslibll file in a domain if a user connects to a domain in which no .spdslibll file exists. The enhanced .spdslibll file management strategy supports changing data partition paths and index file paths for existing LIBNAMEs in SPD Server.
A new SPD Server reset option called SQLHIMEM has been added to SPD Server SQL. Use SQLHIMEM to allocate and deallocate large blocks of memory for SQL queries. For more information about using SQLHIMEM in SPD Server SQL, see “SQLHIMEM” in the SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.52: User's Guide.
The following SPD Server messages have been changed from warnings to notes:
  • Directory created from LIBNAME assignment. This message is displayed when a TEMP=YES LIBNAME assignment is created.
  • Read-only access to LIBNAME domain restricted by *LIBNAM* ACL. This message appears if you try to make a LIBNAME assignment within a read-only domain.
  • Parallel WHERE evaluation suppressed due to sort order on table. This message appears when a sorted table is filtered by a WHERE clause.
  • WHERE clause requires SAS filtering support which could affect performance because SPD Server could not fully evaluate the expression.
  • Because ASYNC operations create indexes in parallel, the status for all defined indexes will be determined at closing time. This message appears when an asynchronous index is being created.
Base SAS software can now read views that are created by SPD Server, and SPD Server can read views created in Base SAS software. That is, Base SAS software can read SQL views that are created in SPD Server by using explicit pass-through SQL. And, SPD Server can read SQL views that are created in Base SAS software by using PROC SQL. Some restrictions exist for how Base SAS software can use some SPD Server SQL views. For more information, see “SPD Server Views” in the SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.52: User's Guide.
SPD Server 4.52 includes a new security feature called table WHERE constraints. Table WHERE constraints enable the owner of an SPD Server table to use a WHERE clause to filter or control how the table can be accessed by other SPD Server users. Table WHERE constraints can be used with SPD Server symbolic substitution to implement row-level security by filtering table rows based on User ID, Group ID, or ACLSPECIAL attribute settings. For more information, see SPD Server Table WHERE Constraints in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: Administrator's Guide.