spdsclean Options

spdsclean options are divided into two classes. The options in the first class define actions. The options in the second class modify behavior.

Options That Define Actions

The spdsclean utility uses the following option settings to define specific actions:
-parmfile parmFile
runs cleanup on the specified SPD Server environment, which is defined in the specified SPD Server parameter file. The cleanup action empties all directory resources that are defined in the SPD Server parameter file. All files in the WORKPATH= path list are deleted. Options that modify -parmfile cleanup actions are described in Options That Modify Behavior
-libnamefile libnameFile
runs a cleanup on the SPD Server environment that is specified by libnameFile (the LIBNAME parameter file). The cleanup process empties directory resources that are defined in LIBNAME statements in the LIBNAME parameter file. Cleaning up directory resources removes files and file types that you specify in the spdsclean action. The spdsclean utility always deletes residual lock files that were left behind in the domain directory. The cleanup process removes any temporary (TEMP=yes) directories and files. Residual temporary files in the allocated domain directories are deleted by default. You can include ACL files and the LIBNAME state file in the files to be deleted, and you can suppress the default deletion of residual temporary files. Use the -domains option with pattern matching to filter the domains that you want to clean in the LIBNAME parameter file. For more information, see the description for the -domains option.
-logdir logPath
specifies the path for SPD Server to use when cleaning server log files. SPD Server searches the specified log path directories for .spdslog files. When .spdslog files are found, SPD Server checks them for aging criteria. You specify the aging criteria, which tells SPD Server how long to keep the log files using the -logage option. When spdsclean finds server log files that have a creation date that is older than -logage days, spdsclean deletes the files. Files that are equal to or less than the specified age are retained. For more information, see the -logage option under Options That Modify Behavior.

Options That Modify Behavior

The spdsclean utility uses the following option settings to modify specific behaviors:
equivalent to specifying the following options:
-tmp -acl -lib11
enables deletion of residual temporary files in the LIBNAME domain path list. Deletion is enabled by default.
disables the deletion of residual temporary files in the LIBNAME domain path list.
enables the deletion of ACL files in the LIBNAME domain path list. Enabling the -acl setting deletes .spres11* and .sppro11* files from the LIBNAME domains that are specified by the -libnamefile option. The -acl option applies to all of the LIBNAME domains that you specify on the -libnamefile option. Deleting the ACL files does not grant broader access to a given resource. Deleting the ACL files restricts the access to the resource owner. Deletion is enabled by default.
disables the deletion of ACL files in the LIBNAME domain path list.
enables the deletion of the domain state file, .spdslib11. The default setting is +lib11.
disables the deletion of the domain state file. This setting is the default setting for the lib111 variable.
enables logging of the resource cleanup process from WORKPATH, system workspace directories, and LIBNAME domain directories. Specifying -verbose is equivalent to specifying -vwork and -vdomain.
disables logging of the resource cleanup process from WORKPATH, system workspace directories, and LIBNAME domain directories. Specifying +verbose is equivalent to specifying +vwork and +vdomain.
enables logging of the resource cleanup process from WORKPATH and system workspace directories.
disables logging of the resource cleanup process for WORKPATH and system workspace directories. This setting is the default setting.
enables logging of the resource cleanup process from LIBNAME domain directories.
disables logging of the resource cleanup process from LIBNAME domain directories. This setting is the default setting.
-domains dompat1, [dompat2,]
specifies a list of domains. The list is a comma-separated list of domain names and wildcard matching patterns. The list builds the LIBNAME domains from the LIBNAME file when it is processed. Standard pattern matching rules and wildcards apply.
-logage ageDays
sets the age threshold, in days, for keeping .spdslog files in the SPD Server log directory when the -logdir option is specified. If the -logdir option is specified and the .spdslog files in the SPD Server log directory are older than the threshold value, the files are deleted. The default value for ageDays is 7.