The Index Utility ixutil
The ixutil utility enables
you to reorganize an SPD Server hybrid index to improve query performance
and minimize disk space. The utility also prints the disk usage statistics
and the contents of indexes.
ixutil Usage
Note: Index names are case sensitive.
You must specify them exactly as they are listed in the PROC CONTENTS
ixutil -crejidx <data set1,column1>
<data set2,column2> ...
<data set_n,column_n>
-libpath <physical path>
-joinparts <number of parallel join work units>
Create a join index
for a pair of data sets that are in the same domain. The join index
can be used by the SPD Server to optimize parallel range joins. The
columns must already be indexed. The recommended
number of parallel join work units is two times the number of processors.
ixutil -deljidx <data set1,column1>
<data set2,column2> ...
<data set_n,column_n>
-libpath <physical path>
ixutil -lstjidx -libpath <physical
path> [-verbose] ;
List the join indexes
that are in a domain.
ixutil -statjidx <data set1,column1>
<data set2,column2> ...
<data set_n,column_n>
-libpath <physical path>
Gather statistics about
the join index parts. The average join row percentage indicates the
average number of rows that a parallel join work unit reads. For example,
a row percentage of 75 indicates that the parallel join work unit
uses 75% of the rows that it must read. The closer the percentage
is to 100, the better performance will be. The percentage increases
as the distribution of the data for the join column becomes more sorted.
ixutil -stats <indx1,indx2,...>
-dsn<data set> -libpath
<physical path> [-dist]
Print the disk usage
statistics and segment list fragmentation statistics for the specified
set of indexes that belong to a given table. Each value in the index
has a segment list. A value's segment list can become fragmented
when the index is updated. An index that is highly fragmented can
degrade query performance and waste disk space. To improve performance
and reclaim the wasted disk space, the index should be reorganized
using the ixutil option -reorg
ixutil -runstats <indx1,indx2,...>
-dsn <data set name>
-libpath <physical path>
[-maxruns <number>] ;
Print the run statistics
for each index for the specified set of indexes that belong to a given
table. Run statistics provide an indication of how the values of a
particular index are sorted in relation to their observation numbers.
By default, ixutil run statistics display
the ten longest runs in the data set. A run is defined as the number
of successive observations that contain the same index value. Use
the optional [-maxruns
<number>] argument
to change the default setting of 10 runs to any integer in the range
1–100. You can use ixutil run statistics
to construct more efficient BY and WHERE clause constructs for the
data set.
ixutil -reorg <index1,index2,...>
-dsn <data set name>
-libpath <physical path>
Reorganize the specified
set of indexes in a table to reclaim wasted disk space and to aggregate
the per-value segment lists. Reorganizing an index results in optimal
disk usage and query performance.
Ixutil Options
-crejidx <data set1,column1>
< data set2,column2>
... <data set_n,column_n>
Create a join index
for the SPD Server parallel join utility to use.
-deljidx <data set1,column1>
<data set2,column2> ...
<data set_n,column_n>
Include the distribution
statistics with the index statistics.
-lstjidx -libpath <library
List the join indexes
for a domain.
-statjidx <data set1,column1>
<data set2,column2> ...
<data set_n,column_n>
Get statistics about
a join index.
-stats <index,index...>
For each specified
index, print the index disk usage statistics and value segment list
-runstats <index,index...>
For each specified
index, print the run statistics. Runs are defined as successive observations
in a table that contain the same index value.
-reorg <index,index...>
For each index, reorganize
the index to reclaim any unused disk space and coalesce any fragmented
value segment lists.
-joinparts <number of parallel
join work units>
The number of parallel
join work units for a join index. Parallel join threads join the work
units concurrently and then merge their partial results into the final
-dsn <data set name>
The SPD Server table
that contains the index.
-libpath <physical path>
The physical path of
the domain that contains the table.
Print the ixutil help
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