You can convert SPD
Server 4.
x tables into SAS
9.2 or SAS 9.3 tables by making a LIBNAME connection to your SPD Server
x server, and then making
a LIBNAME connection to SAS. After both LIBNAME connections are established,
you can use PROC COPY to copy the tables from your SPD Server domain
to your SAS domain.
LIBNAME spd44 sasspds “<SPD-Server-4.x-domain-name>”
user=<user-ID> ;
LIBNAME SAS “<path-to-SAS9.2-or-SAS9.3-directory>”;
PROC COPY in=spd44 out=sas;
After you copy your
SPD Server 4.
x tables into
SAS 9.2 or SAS 9.3 tables and store them in a SAS location, you can
install SAS 9.4 and SPD Server 5.1 on your Windows 64-bit platform.
Next, you use the 64-bit Windows environment to create a SAS 9.4 LIBNAME
connection to the directory location where you stored your copied
SPD Server 4.
x tables, and
a SAS 9.4 LIBNAME connection to your SPD Server 5.1 domain. Now you
are able to use the SAS 9.4 PROC COPY command to restore the former
SPD Server 4.
x tables to your
SPD Server 5.1 domain in SPD Server 5.1 format.
LIBNAME spd51 sasspds “<SPD-Server-5.1-domain-name>”
user=<user-ID> ;
LIBNAME SAS94 “<path-to-SAS9.4-directory>”;
PROC COPY in=SAS94 out=spd51;
SPD Server 5.1 will
be able to recognize and use the copied tables in the new SAS 9.4
and SPD Server 5.1 domain space.