The SPD Server administrator
needs to be familiar with the SPD Server psmgr utility.
The SPD Server system
uses its own layer of access controls that overlay Windows access
permissions. SPD Server processes run in the context of a Windows
user ID, and that user owns all of the resulting SPD Server file resources
that are created.
Each SPD User is given
their own SPD Server user ID and password. The user ID and password
are needed to complete the LIBNAME connection to SPD Server. All resources
that a user creates are owned by the user. An SPD Server user can
access only resources that that user created, or resources that another
SPD Server user grants them access to via SPD ACLs. There also exists
an "anonymous" user account that any SPD Server user can
access with no password, and where all resources that are created
by the anonymous user are accessible to any other SPD Server user.