Server Manager

Overview of Server Manager

Click the Server Manager folder in the SAS Management Console window to refresh the SPD Server configuration and to run selected SPD Server utilities. The Server Manager panel resembles the following display when no server connection exists.
View of the unconnected SPD Server Manager in the SPD Server Management folder in SAS Management Console.
You must connect to an SPD Server host machine before you can use the SPD Server Management utilities. For information about connecting to an SPD Server host, see Connect to an SPD Server.

Refresh Domains

To reload the current libnames.parm file, click Refresh Domains in the Server Manage panel of the SAS Management Console windowr. The libnames.parm file describes the list of available domains.
The SPD Server Manager window after clicking the Refresh Domains button.

Refresh Configuration Information

To reload the current spdsserv.parm file, click Refresh Parms in the SPD Server Manager panel. The spdsserv.parm file controls the server configuration and options.
The SPD Server Manager window after clicking the Refresh Parms button.

Run Commands

To run an SPD Server operator command or utility function, click Perform Command in the Server Manager panel. Enter the command or utility in the Perform Operator Command window, and then click Perform.
Perform Operator Command window with field for command submission.
The following example shows the Server Manager panel after the spdsbkup command was issued:
Example output of the spdsbkup command in the Server Manager panel