Backup Data File

Backup Data File Nomenclature

The spdsbkup utility stores backup data in a file named file_BK_ddmmmyyyy_hhmmss.0.0.0.spds. The suffix, added to the filename, generates a unique backup file that indicates when the backup was performed. Because the suffix is unique, the same filename can be used for successive backups of a domain or a table, without overwriting an existing file.

Backup Data File Extensions

If the backup file exceeds the system file size limit, spdsbkup automatically extends the file, storing the excess data in additional files. The software identifies these files with a file extension after the date/time. (The SPD Server file extension is the "0.0.0" portion of the filename.) While the extensions for the files will vary, the date/time will be the same on all the files.
You must have a backup file complete with filename extension before you can begin a restore session.