Creating SPD Server Component Files

Which Component Files Are Created for SPD Server Tables?

At a minimum, an SPD Server table consists of two component files, the metadata .mdf file and the data .dpf file. The size of the data file component depends on two factors: the size of a table column and the number of columns.
The data .dpf component file can be many gigabytes in size. SPD Server is not constrained by an operating system file system size limit. (Many readers are familiar with the 2-gigabyte limit on file size that some UNIX systems impose.)

Which Component Files Are Created for Indexes on SPD Server Tables?

The SPD Server index uses two index component files: the .hbx file and the .idx file. The .hbx file maintains a global view of the index, and contains an entry for each key that exists in the index. The .idx file maintains a segmented view of the index that includes a list of all of the segments that each key is a member of. A bitmap is used to determine the per-segment observations for each key.
The size of the .hbx file depends on the cardinality of the index keys. The higher the cardinality of the index keys, the larger the .hbx file. The size of the .idx file is much more difficult to determine because it depends on how the data for the index keys is distributed across segments. An index key that is in many segments will require a larger segment list, and larger segment lists require a larger number of per-segment bitmaps, as compared to an index key that is found only in a small number of segments.
The best case scenario for creating an optimally sized .idx file occurs when the table is sorted by the indexed columns, in order to minimize the number of segments that the key is in. The worst case scenario for creating an optimally sized .idx file occurs when the index keys are in a large number of segments, with a low cardinality of rows for each segment.