Validating Default Port and Library Assignments

After you install SPD Server on your Windows server, you are almost ready to verify your installation. Before you verify, you must validate your Name Server port assignment and the path for the temporary LIBNAME domain called TMP.
SPD Server documentation uses InstallDir\ as a placeholder. Any SPD Server configuration files that require editing are located in the InstallDir\site directory.
Check the following to make sure your Windows server environment meets the requirements from the installation procedure:
  1. The default SPD Server installation configures port 5400 as the Name Server port. If you want to change the Name Server port, edit the spdsserv.bat file and spdsnsrv.bat file located in InstallDir\site. Edit the -LISTENPORT option to specify the port number. Use the -NAMESERVERPORT option in spdsserv.bat to specify the port number.
  2. The default SPD Server installation configures port 5401 as the SNET Server port. If you want to change the SNET server port, edit the spdssnet.bat file located in InstallDir\site. Edit the -LISTENPORT option to specify the port number.
  3. During installation, SPD Server creates a sample library parameter file called libnames.parm in InstallDir\samples. Copy the sample libnames.parm file to InstallDir\site. The libnames.parm file contains a LIBNAME domain definition for a temporary workspace called TMP. The TMP library uses the Windows temporary directory C:\TEMP. If your Windows installation does not include a C:\TEMP directory, you need to create the directory or specify an existing directory path to replace C:\TEMP. If you want to use a different path for TMP, you must modify the SPD Server libnames.parm configuration file in InstallDir\site to specify the new TMP domain path.
  4. During installation, SPD Server creates a sample server parameter file calledspdsserv.parm, in InstallDir\samples. Copy the sample spdsserv.parm file toInstallDir\site. The spdsserv.parm file contains server parameters. The sample spdsserv.parm file should be used only to verify that SPD Server is running. You should edit your spdsserv.parm file immediately to specify the unique server parameters for your site.