Batch Execution

Command Line Interface

You can use the simstudio_batch program to run simulation models from a Microsoft Windows command prompt. The simstudio_batch program accepts four command line arguments: -m, -e, -d, and -r. The -m argument specifies the pathname of a Simulation Studio model that you want to execute, and the -e argument specifies the experiment pathname. Both the -m and -e arguments are required. The optional -d argument specifies the pathname of the location where you want to save the contents of the Simulation Studio Experiment window.

The optional -r argument specifies the location of the simulation output data. When data from Simulation Studio are saved (either in batch mode or interactively), the current contents of the specified output results folder are deleted when model execution begins. If you use the -r option, you should specify a location that is dedicated to storing simulation output data to prevent any accidental deletion of files. If you do not use the -r option, then any data collected during the simulation execution are saved in a hierarchical directory named results that is created in the directory where the simstudio_batch program was launched.

To invoke Simulation Studio in batch mode, open a Microsoft Windows command prompt window and navigate to the location of the executable simstudio_batch. The current default installation location is \Program Files\SASHome\SASSimulationStudio\<release_number>.

A sample command line for executing a model-experiment pair where INSTALL_DIR is the installation location looks like this:

C:\INSTALL_DIR> simstudio_batch -m projects\MyProject\MyModel.simmdl -e projects\MyProject\MyExperiment.simexp -d projects\MyProject\experiment.sas7bdat-r projects\MyProject\MyResults