Simulation Models

Creating Links

After you have blocks in your Model window, you can begin to create links between the ports on the various blocks to enable the flow of values and entities between blocks. To create a link, position the pointer over a port that you want to be an endpoint of the link and hold down the left mouse button. (Note that the port size enlarges when the pointer is over it, indicating port selection.) A rubber-band line appears that connects the selected port with the pointer. While holding down the left mouse button, move the pointer until it is positioned over the port you want to connect to and then release the left mouse button. If the port types that are associated with the two selected ports are compatible, a link is created between them.

Simulation Studio also offers a two-click method for creating links that is especially useful when the blocks you want to connect are far apart in the model. You can use the two-click method to create a link by moving the pointer until it is positioned over the first port to connect and then clicking the left mouse button. Move the pointer until it is positioned over the compatible port that you want to connect to (scrolling the Model window if necessary), and then click the left mouse button again to form the link. If you hold down the CTRL key while performing the second click, then you can continue to click on other input ports to form additional links. However, you cannot use the two-click method to connect tunnels on compound and submodel blocks. For information about tunnels, compound blocks, and submodel blocks, see ChapterĀ 7: Compound and Submodel Blocks.

One-step undo and redo options are available for the most recent link insertion or deletion action. These options are available from the Model window pop-up menu, which you access by right-clicking in the Model window. To remove the last link formed from the model, select Undo Link Connection. To insert a deleted link back into the model, select Redo Link Connection.