Text Source Block


The Text Source block reads strings from a SAS data set. You supply the file path for the SAS data set or JMP data table along with the text variable column name. Each time a value is pulled from the OutValue port of a Text Source block, the block reads a value from the data set. If the last observation in the data set is reached, the process resets to the beginning of the column.

Fixed Ports


Input Boolean value port that signals an update of input data and stream parameter specifications. The new specifications are pulled from the InStreamPolicy or InDataPolicy ports (or both) if these ports are connected. A false Boolean value is ignored.


Input string value port that allows new stream parameter specifications to come in when an update signal is received. The format for specifying the value is as follows:
Lazy Loading==BooleanValue
where BooleanValue is either true or false.


Input string value port from which the new input data specifications are pulled when an update signal is received. The format for specifying the value is as follows:
class==dataStreamClass;File Path==filePathValue;Variable Name==variableNameValue where:


is com.sas.analytics.simulation.datastream.file.SASTextDataColumn or the fully-qualified Java class name of another text data stream type.


is the pathname for the SAS data set or JMP table.


is the column name from the SAS data set or JMP table.

It is not necessary to specify all arguments for the input string value. For example, if you want to continue sampling from the same data set but change the column from the data set, then you can specify a string for the InputDataPolicy port that contains only the Variable Name==variableNameValue option.


Output string value port for text values to be pulled.

Dialog Box Controls

Input Data

This area provides fields for modifying the input data specifications associated with the Text Source block. The File Path field specifies the absolute or relative file path for the input SAS data set or JMP data table file. The Variable Name field identifies the variable or column name in input data file. The Load from Remote SAS Workspace Server checkbox indicates whether the input SAS data set file is to be loaded from the remote SAS Workspace Server host.

Stream Parameters

This area provides fields for modifying the stream parameter specifications that control how the stream of text values from the Text Source block is prepared. The field Lazy Loading is Boolean. If the Lazy Loading field is false, the input data set file has to be loaded at the start of simulation. Otherwise, the data file is loaded only when its contents are needed during simulation.

Reset Sampling at Update

This option resets the current data set back to the first observation when a true Boolean value is received at the InUpdate port. If the InDataPolicy port is also connected and a new data set is specified, then the new data set starts at the beginning with the first observation if the Reset Sampling at Update option is selected.

Candidates for Design of Experiments


DataStreamDescription (text), InputDataPolicy (text), ResetStreamAtUpdate (Boolean)
The format for specifying the value of the InputDataPolicy factor is as follows:
class==dataStreamClass;File Path==filePathValue;Variable Name==variableNameValue


is com.sas.analytics.simulation.datastream.file.SASTextDataColumn or the fully-qualified Java class name of another text data stream type.


is the pathname for the SAS data set or JMP table.


is the column name from the SAS data set or JMP table.

The format for specifying the value of the DataStreamDescription factor is as follows:
Lazy Loading==BooleanValue
where BooleanValue is either true or false.

