Remote Library Services Provides Remote File Access

SAS/SHARE provides remote file access through its Remote Library Services (RLS). RLS provides transparent access to remote data libraries for moving data through the network as the local SAS session requests it.
This access to remote data is provided through the REMOTE engine. Therefore, SAS products can gain single-user or multi-user access to remote SAS data or third-party DBMS data, as applicable, by invoking a SAS/SHARE server and assigning a library to the server through the REMOTE engine.
The LIBNAME statement associates a SAS library reference (libref) with a permanent SAS library, which can be specified by using an operating environment-specific full physical name. Usually, the SAS/SHARE server uses the BASE engine to access data; however, alternative engines can be assigned by using the RENGINE= option. Attributes for the BASE or alternative engine can be supplied by using the ROPTIONS= option.
For information about the LIBNAME statement in SAS/SHARE, see Remote Library Services. For the LIBNAME statement in SAS/CONNECT, see LIBNAME Statement in SAS/CONNECT User's Guide. For more information about the LIBNAME statement in SAS/ACCESS, see SAS/ACCESS for Relational Databases: Reference.