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SAS/INSIGHT Statements


PROC INSIGHT < INFILE=fileref > < FILE<=fileref > >

          < DATA=SAS-data-set > < TOOLS >

          < NOMENU > < NOBUTTON > < NOCONFIRM >;

PROC INSIGHT options apply to both the procedure and the task. When invoking SAS/INSIGHT from the command line, you can follow the INSIGHT command with any of the PROC INSIGHT options.

The INFILE= option directs SAS/INSIGHT software to read additional statements from the specified text file. For examples using the INFILE= option, see Chapter 30, "Working with Other SAS Products."

FILE | FILE=fileref
The FILE option directs SAS/INSIGHT software to write statements to the SAS log. FILE=fileref directs SAS/INSIGHT software to write statements to the text file fileref. For examples using the FILE option, see Chapter 30, "Working with Other SAS Products."

DATA | DATA=SAS-data-set
The DATA option opens a SAS data set and displays it in a window. If DATA is used without =SAS-data-set, a new data window is created. You can use either the DATA option or the OPEN statement to specify an initial data set. If you use neither, but simply enter "insight" or "proc insight; run;", a data set dialog prompts you to choose an initial data set.

You can specify data set options in parentheses after the data set name. For example, to see all businesses that had large profits, you might enter
Alternatively, you can enter data set options by pressing the Options button in the data set dialog. Data set options are described in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

The TOOLS option causes the Tools window to be displayed by default. If you use tools frequently, this option saves the step of choosing Edit:Windows:Tools.

The NOMENU option suppresses the display of menu bars. If your host defines a pop-up key, menu bars are still available when you press the pop-up key in an area containing no graphs or tables.

The NOBUTTON option suppresses the display of pop-up menu buttons. If your host defines a pop-up key, pop-up menus are still available when you press the pop-up key on graphs or tables.

The NOCONFIRM option suppresses the display of confirmation dialogs for potentially harmful user actions. Such actions include deleting variables, closing data windows, and exiting SAS/INSIGHT. By default, confirmation dialogs provide a chance to cancel these actions.

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