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Saving and Printing Graphics

Saving Graphics Files

You can use SAS/GRAPH software to save graphics files in a variety of bitmap formats. To save bitmaps, follow these steps.

Select any graphs or tables you want to save.

If no graphs or tables are selected, you will save all objects visible in the active window.

Choose File:Save:Graphics File to display the graphics file dialog

Figure 27.9: File:Save Menu

spg10.gif (3804 bytes)

Figure 27.10: Graphics File Dialog

Enter your file name, choose a format, and set additional options.

Use the Full Color or Grey Scale options to control the colors stored in graphics files. Usually Grey Scale produces smaller files for faster printing.

Set the One Per File option if you want to store each graph and table in a separate file. If you set this option, the directory name is derived from the name you enter. Eight-character file names are derived from the name of the graph or table; for example, "scatter" for scatter plots, or "parametr" for parameter estimates.

Set the Titles and Footnotes option if you want to use SAS titles and footnotes.

If you set both One Per File and Titles and Footnotes options, and if your window contains group variables, an additional title is generated to show the group. The group title is similar to the BY-group title in SAS/GRAPH output.

Click OK to save the graphics file.

Clicking OK overwrites any files with the same file name.

For more information on saving graphics in bitmap formats, refer to the chapter on "Exporting SAS/Graph Output" in SAS/GRAPH Software: Reference.

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