is set at SAS installation in the z/OS common options template. Therefore,
you no longer need to specify the -SSLCALISTLIC option.
//SPAWNER EXEC PGM=CNTSPAWN, // PARM='-service 4321 =<//DDN:SYSIN' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=<customer.high.level.pfx>.LIBRARY //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=<customer.high.level.pfx>.LIBE //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //TKMVSJNL DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * -netencryptalgorithm ssl -sslpkcs12loc /users/server/certificates/server.p12 -sslpkcs12pass starbuck1 -sslcalistloc /users/server/certificates/sas.pem -sascmd /users/server/command.shThe following table explains the SAS commands that are used to start a spawner on a SAS/CONNECT server.
SAS Commands and Arguments
Starts the spawner
Specifies the spawner
service that is listening on port 4321
Specifies the SSL encryption algorithm
-SSLPKCS12LOC /users/server/certificates/serverkey.p12
-SSLPKCS12PASS password
Specifies the password to access the server's private key in the PKCS #12 package
-SSLCALISTLOC /users/server/certificates/sas.pem
Specifies the CA trust list.
Note: Starting in the third maintenance
release of SAS 9.4, if you are using the SDM to manage your certificates,
you no longer need to specify this command.
-SASCMD /users/server/command.sh
Specifies the name of
an executable file that starts a SAS session when you sign on without
a script file
#!/bin/sh args=$* if [ -n "$NETENCRALG" ] ; then args="$args -netencralg $NETENCRALG" fi if [ -n "$SASDAEMONPORT" ] ; then args="$args -sasdaemonport $SASDAEMONPORT" fi if [ -n "$SASCLIENTPORT" ] ; then args="$args -sasclientport $SASCLIENTPORT" fi export TSOOUT= export SYSPROC=SAS.CLIST /bin/tso -t %sas -dmr -noterminal -sslpkcs12loc /users/server/certificates/serverkey.p12 -sslpkcs12pass password $args
options command-tcp netencryptalgorithm=ssl; options sslcalistloc="/users/johndoe/certificates/sas.pem"; %let machine=apex.server.com; signon machine.4321 user=_prompt_;The following table explains the SAS options that are used to connect to a SAS/CONNECT server.
SAS Options and Arguments
Client Access Tasks
Specifies the TCP/IP
access method
Specifies the encryption algorithm
Specifies the CA trust list
Specifies the server
and service to connect to
Prompts for the user
ID and password to be used for authenticating the client to the server