FIPS 140-2 Capable SSL for Windows

For Windows, the SSL version shipped with SAS is FIPS 140-2 compliant. In Windows XP and in later versions of Windows, you need only to enable the System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing setting under your Local Security Policy or as part of Group Policy. This setting informs applications that they should use only cryptographic algorithms that are FIPS 140-2 compliant and in compliance with FIPS approved modes of operation.
To check that your Windows server is configured for FIPS, go to the Windows Start Menuthen selectSearch and enter “Local Security Policy”. The Local Security Policy window appears.
  1. In the left pane of the Security Policies, expand Local Policies.
  2. Click Security Options.
  3. In the right pane, scroll down to System cryptography: Use FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing and make sure that the item is enabled.
Enable FIPS 140-2 on Windows
Enable FIPS 140-2 on Windows