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Encryption Technologies: Examples

SSL for a SAS/CONNECT Windows Spawner: Example

Startup of a Windows Spawner on a Single-User SAS/CONNECT Server

After digital certificates for the CA, the server, and the client have been generated and imported into the appropriate Certificate Store, you can start a spawner program that runs on a server that SAS/CONNECT clients connect to.

Here is an example of how to start a Windows spawner on a SAS/CONNECT server:

spawner -security -netencryptalgorithm ssl -sslcertsubj ""
 -sascmd mysas.bat

The following table shows the SAS commands that are used to start a spawner on a SAS/CONNECT single-user server.

SAS Commands and Arguments for Spawner Start-Up Tasks
SAS Command and Arguments Function
spawner Starts the spawner
-security Specifies the requirement that a client provide a user name and password to access the spawner
-netencryptalgorithm ssl Specifies the SSL encryption algorithm
-sslcertsubj "" Specifies the subject name that is used to search for a certificate from the Microsoft Certificate Store
-sascmd mysas.bat Specifies the name of an executable file that starts a SAS session when you sign on without a script file

In order for the Windows spawner to locate the appropriate server digital certificate in the Microsoft Certificate Store, you must specify the -SSLCERTSUBJ system option in the script that is specified by the -SASCMD option. -SSLCERTSUBJ specifies the subject name of the digital certificate that SSL should use. The subject that is assigned to the -SSLCERTSUBJ option and the computer that is specified in the client signon must be identical.

If the Windows spawner is started as a service, the -SERVPASS and -SERVUSER options must also be specified in the Windows spawner start-up command in order for SSL to locate the appropriate CA digital certificate.

For complete information about starting a Windows spawner, see Communications Access Methods for SAS/CONNECT and SAS/SHARE.

Connection of a SAS/CONNECT Client to a Windows Spawner on a SAS/CONNECT Server

After a spawner has been started on a SAS/CONNECT server, a SAS/CONNECT client can connect to it.

Here is an example of how to make a client connection to a Windows spawner that is running on a SAS/CONNECT server:

options comamid=tcp netencryptalgorithm=ssl;
signon machine user=_prompt_;

The computer that is specified in the client signon and the subject (the -SSLCERTSUBJ option) that is specified at the server must be identical.

The following table shows the SAS options that are used to connect to a Windows spawner that runs on a SAS/CONNECT server.

SAS Options, Statements, and Arguments for Client Access to a SAS/CONNECT Server
SAS Options, Statements, and Arguments Function
COMAMID=tcp Specifies the TCP/IP access method
NETENCRYPTALGORITHM=ssl Specifies the encryption algorithm
SIGNON=server-ID Specifies which server to connect to
USER=_PROMPT_ Prompts for the user ID and password to be used for authenticating the client to the server

The server-ID and the server's Common Name, which was specified in the server's digital certificate, must be identical.

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