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Encryption Technologies: Examples

SSH Tunnel for SAS/SHARE: Example

Start-up of a Multi-User SAS/SHARE Server

Here is an example of code for starting a SAS/SHARE server:

proc server id=_4321; run; 

A SAS/SHARE server is started and is ready to receive requests on destination port 4321.

SAS/SHARE Client Access of a SAS/SHARE Server

Here is an example of code for setting up an SSH tunnel and making a client connection to a SAS/SHARE server:

ssh -N -L 5555:SSH-client-computer:4321 SSH-server-computer 

The SSH command is entered in the command line. The SSH software is started on the computer on which the SSH client will run. The SSH client's listen port is defined as 5555. The SAS/SHARE client will access the SSH client's listen port that gets tunneled to the SAS/SHARE server, which runs on destination port 4321.

%let sshhost=SSH-client-computer 5555; 
libname orion '.' server=sshhost; 

In SAS, the macro variable SSHHOST is assigned to the SSH client computer and its listen port 5555. A LIBNAME statement is specified to access the library that is located on the SAS/SHARE server. The SSH client forwards the request from port 5555 through an encrypted tunnel to the SSH server, which forwards the request to destination port 4321 on the SAS/SHARE server.

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