Using the Scoring Functions

The scoring functions are available to use in any SQL expression in the same way that Greenplum built-in functions are used. For an example, see Model Publishing Macro Example.
There are four ways to see the scoring functions that are created:
  • From Greenplum, you can start psql to connect to the database and submit an SQL statement. In this example, 'SCHEMA' is the actual schema value.
    psql -h hostname -d databasename -U userid
    select proname
       from pg_catalog.pg_proc f, pg_catalog.pg_namespace s
       where f.pronamespace=s.oid and upper(s.nspname)='SCHEMA';
  • From SAS you can use SQL procedure code that produces output in the LST file. The following example assumes that the model name that you used to create the scoring functions is mymodel.
    proc sql noerrorstop;
      connect to greenplm (user=username pw=password dsn= dsnname db=database);
    select *
       from connection to greenplm
          (select proname
           from pg_catalog.pg_proc f, pg_catalog.pg_namespace s
           where f.pronamespace=s.oid and upper(s.nspname)='SCHEMA');
       disconnect from greenplm;
    You can also use the SASTRACE and SASTRACELOC system options to generate tracing information. For more information about these system options, see the SAS 9.2 Language Reference: Dictionary.
  • You can look at the SampleSQL.txt file that is produced when the %INDGP_PUBLISH_MODEL macro is successfully run. This file can be found in the output directory (OUTDIR argument) that you specify in the macro.
    The SampleSQL.txt file contains basic code that, with modifications, can be used to run your score code inside Greenplum.
    For example, the SampleSQL.txt file refers to an ID column in allmush1_intab that is populated with a unique integer from 1 to n, with n being the number of rows in the table. The ID column uniquely identifies each row. You would replace the ID column with your own primary key column.
    Note: The function and table names must be fully qualified if the function and table are not in the same schema.
    The following example assumes that the model name that you used to create the scoring functions is allmush1.
    drop table allmush1_outtab;
    create table allmush1_outtab(
     id integer
    ,"EM_CLASSIFICATION" varchar(33)
    ,"EM_PROBABILITY" float
    insert into allmush1_outtab(
    select id,
    from allmush1_intab ;
  • You can look at the SAS log. A message that indicates whether a scoring function is successfully or not successfully executed is printed to the SAS log.