The integration of the
SAS Embedded Process and Aster
nCluster allows scoring code to be executed directly using the SAS
Embedded Process in Aster
nCluster through a SQL/MR function.
The SQL/MR function
is the framework for enabling execution of user-defined functions
within Aster
nCluster through
an SQL interface. A new SAS SQL/MR function, SAS_SCORE(), supports model publishing in Aster
macro uses some of the files that are created by the SAS Enterprise
Miner Score Code Export node: the scoring model program (
file), the properties file (score.xml file), and, if the training
data includes SAS user-defined formats, a format catalog.
macro performs the following tasks:
takes the and score.xml
files that are created using the Score Code Export node and produces
two files for each scoring model. The following files are produced:
modelname.ds2, which contains code that is executed by the SAS_SCORE() function
modelname_io.xml, which contains the scoring model's input and output variables
takes the format catalog, if available,
and produces the sasscore_
modelname_ufmt.xml file, which contains user-defined formats for the scoring
model that is being published.
uses the
SAS/ACCESS Interface to
nCluster to insert the
three scoring files into the NC_INSTALLED_FILES table under the PUBLIC
After the scoring files
are published, you can call the SAS_SCORE() function
to execute the scoring model.
For more information,
see SAS_SCORE() Function.