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Controlling Program Flow

Using the SCL CONTROL Statement

The CONTROL statement enables you to specify options that control the execution of labeled sections, the formatting of submit blocks, and whether an error in dot notation causes a program halt.

CONTROL options;
You can specify the following options with the CONTROL statement:

determines whether SCL can intercept procedure-specific or custom commands that are issued in the application. This option also determines if and when the MAIN section executes.


determines whether the MAIN section executes if the user enters a command that SCL does not recognize.


determines whether SCL eliminates unnecessary spaces and line breaks before submit blocks are submitted.


enables you to specify a labeled program section that will be executed if an interrupt or break occurs while your program is executing.


determines whether execution halts if SCL finds an error in the dot notation that is used in your program.


determines whether the TERM section executes when the user enters the ENDSAS or BYE commands.


determines whether the TERM section executes when a user ends a SAS session by selecting the system closure menu in a FRAME entry that is running within the SAS application workspace.


determines whether the MAIN section executes when the user presses the ENTER key or a function key without modifying a window variable.


determines whether the MAIN section executes if a control or field contains a value that causes an attribute error.


determines whether the MAIN section executes before or after the window variable sections.


determines whether the TERM section executes even if a user does not modify any columns in the current row of the SAS table.

For more information, see CONTROL.

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