The SCL Debugger |
After you have successfully compiled a program with the DEBUG ON option, you can choose to invoke the debugger for that entry. For an entry that can be executed with the TESTAF, AF, or AFA command, you can invoke the debugger in the following ways:
If the debugging environment has not been established through the DEBUG ON command, specify DEBUG=YES in the AF or AFA command:
afa c=libref.catalog.entry.type debug=yes
Specify the DEBUG option in conjunction with the TESTAF option in a PROC BUILD statement:
proc build c=libref.catalog.entry.type testaf debug;
For an FSEDIT or FSVIEW application, you can invoke the debugger in the following ways:
Close the SOURCE window, which compiles the program, when you build the application.
Specify the DEBUG option in the procedure statement:
proc fsedit data=SAS-table screen=libref.catalog.entry.SCREEN debug; run; proc fsview data=SAS-table formula=libref.catalog.entry.FORMULA debug; run;
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