Setting Deployed Flow Properties

After you have created a flow, you can use the Schedule Manager to view properties for the flow or jobs that are part of the flow. Select a deployed flow or job in the navigation tree and then select Properties from the pop-up menu or the File menu. You can also use the Properties window to define authorization settings for the flow or job.
The Properties window for a flow also lets you specify options for the flow. The Attributes tab enables you to specify the condition for the flow to be considered as completed, whether only one instance of the flow can run at once, and any e-mail notifications that you should receive based on the condition of the flow. The attributes available depend on the type of scheduling server associated with the deployed flow.
flow properties window, attributes tab
The Job Properties tab specifies the properties that are applied to all jobs in the flow, including environment variables, e-mail notification for job events, and the default queue. However, any properties that you set on an individual job override the properties set on the Job Properties tab.
flow properties window, job properties tab
The Dependencies tab contains a table of all the dependencies in the flow and their relationships to the jobs in the flow.
flow properties window, dependencies tab