identifies the name of a SAS data set that specifies an existing Ishikawa diagram. By default, the procedure will prompt you
to edit an existing Ishikawa diagram or start a new one. When you specify the DATA= option, the procedure bypasses this initial
menu. For example, the following statements simplify editing an existing Ishikawa diagram saved in a SAS data set:
proc ishikawa data=work.airline;
starts a new Ishikawa diagram. By default, the procedure will prompt you to edit an existing Ishikawa diagram or start a new
one. When you specify the NEW option, the procedure bypasses this initial menu and starts with a new diagram. Do not specify
any other options when using the NEW option. For example, the following statements simplify starting a new Ishikawa diagram:
proc ishikawa new;
allows you to create hard copies of Ishikawa diagrams saved as SAS data sets without invoking the interactive features of
the procedure. You must specify the DATA= option when you use the NOFS option. For example, the following statements create
a hard copy of the Ishikawa diagram saved in the SAS data set work.airline:
goptions dev=psl noprompt;
proc ishikawa data=work.airline nofs;