You can combine multiple Ishikawa diagrams into a master diagram by using the merge operation. To merge a stored diagram into the current diagram, proceed as follows:
→ .Specify the name of a SAS data set that contains a saved Ishikawa diagram.
Another way to combine diagrams is to open separate ISHIKAWA windows for each sub-diagram then copy them into the master diagram. To copy all or part of an Ishikawa diagram from one window to another, do the following:
Move the cursor over the head of the arrow.
Activate the popup menu using the right mouse button.
.Position the cursor slightly to one side of the new attachment point and click (just as though you are adding a new arrow).
Suppose you want to create the following diagram by combining information from diagrams already created by each of the major service areas (Pre-Flight, In-Flight, and Post-Flight) and stored in different SAS data sets:
First, use the ISHIKAWA environment to create the trunk for the new master diagram.
→ from the command bar to open the File Requestor dialog.
Specify the name of the data set for Pre-flight services and press .
Now click on a point along the trunk where this sub-diagram is to attach.
To complete the diagram, repeat the process for the remaining branches.