SHEWHART Procedure

The SHEWHART procedure has several new options:

  • The ACTUALALPHA option displays the effective $\alpha $ value, which might not be the same as the requested $\alpha $ value, in the limits legend of an attribute chart. This option is available in the CCHART, NPCHART, PCHART, and UCHART statements.

  • The IDSYMBOLHEIGHT= option controls the size of the symbols that are used to plot outliers in box-and-whisker plots that are produced by the BOXCHART statement.

  • The PROBLIMITS=DISCRETE option requests discrete control limits for attribute charts. This option is available in the CCHART, NPCHART, PCHART, and UCHART statements.

  • The WESTGARD= option applies Westgard rules for quality control in healthcare laboratories (Westgard 2002) to a Shewhart chart.

  • The WHISKERPERCENTILE= option requests that the whiskers of the box-and-whisker plots that are produced by the BOXCHART statement be drawn to percentile values.