Calculating Probability Limits

The OUTLIMITS= option saves the control limits from the chart in Figure 17.215 in a SAS data set named DELAYLIM, which is listed in Figure 17.216.

Figure 17.216: Control Limits for Standard Chart from the Data Set Calls

Time Recnum ESTIMATE 2 .002699796 3 1.77008 2.91038 4.05068 0.38010

The control limits can be replaced with the corresponding percentiles from a fitted lognormal distribution. The equation for the lognormal density function is

\[  \begin{array}{ll} f(x) = \frac{1}{x \sqrt {2\pi } \sigma } \exp \left( - \frac{(\log (x) - \zeta )^2}{2 \sigma ^2} \right) &  x > 0 \end{array}  \]

where $\sigma $ denotes the shape parameter and $\zeta $ denotes the scale parameter.

The following statements use the CAPABILITY procedure to fit a lognormal model and superimpose the fitted density on a histogram of the data, shown in Figure 17.217:

title 'Lognormal Fit for Delay Distribution';
proc capability data=Calls noprint;
   histogram Time /
      lognormal(threshold=2.3 w=2)
      outfit = Lnfit
      nolegend ;
   inset n = 'Number of Calls'
      lognormal( sigma = 'Shape' (4.2)
                 zeta  = 'Scale' (5.2)
                 theta ) / pos    = ne;
   label Time  = 'Answering Delay (minutes)';

Figure 17.217: Distribution of Delays

Parameters of the fitted distribution and results of goodness-of-fit tests are saved in the data set LNFIT, which is listed in Figure 17.218. The large p-values for the goodness-of-fit tests are evidence that the lognormal model provides a good fit.

Figure 17.218: Parameters of Fitted Lognormal Model in the Data Set LNFIT

Time LNORMAL 2.3 -0.68910 0.64110 4.2 0.34854 0.47465 0.058737 0.40952 0.092223 0.15

The following statements replace the control limits in DELAYLIM with limits computed from percentiles of the fitted lognormal model. The 100$\alpha $th percentile of the lognormal distribution is $P_{\alpha } = \exp (\sigma \Phi ^{-1}(\alpha ) + \zeta )$, where $\Phi ^{-1}$ denotes the inverse standard normal cumulative distribution function. The SHEWHART procedure constructs an X chart with the modified limits, displayed in Figure 17.219.

data delaylim;
   merge delaylim Lnfit;
   drop _sigmas_ ;
   _lcli_ = _locatn_ + exp(_scale_+probit(0.5*_alpha_)*_shape1_);
   _ucli_ = _locatn_ + exp(_scale_+probit(1-.5*_alpha_)*_shape1_);
   _mean_ = _locatn_ + exp(_scale_+0.5*_shape1_*_shape1_);
title 'Lognormal Control Limits for Delays';
proc shewhart data=Calls limits=delaylim;
   irchart Time*Recnum /
      rtmplot   = schematic
      nochart2 ;
   label Recnum = 'Record Number'
         Time   = 'Delay in minutes' ;

Figure 17.219: Adjusted Control Limits for Delays

Clearly the process is in control, and the control limits (particularly the lower limit) are appropriate for the data. The particular probability level $\alpha =0.0027$ associated with these limits is somewhat immaterial, and other values of $\alpha $ such as 0.001 or 0.01 could be specified with the ALPHA= option in the original IRCHART statement.